SPECIALTY MAGNETIC TELECOM RELAY - Wire Spring Relay - found in crossbar and ESS offices - AF Relay
The AF relay is used as the general purpose relay with a load capability of 18
contact pairs, and is eguipped with a short
armature (0.062~inch thlck and 1/2-inch
legs). This armature has been provided to
reduce armature rebound when the relay releases. It is always provided with stop
discs of 0.006-inch, 0.014-inch or 0.022-
inch thickness, as required to meet circuit
conditions. The core is zinc-plated and
the armature and backstop thinly chromiumplated to eliminate sticking on the backstop. In addition to the operate requirement, nonoperate, hold, or release requirements may be specified for marginal applications. Fig. 1-1 and 1-2 show the front
and rear views of this relay.