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5PKG NTE30101
LED − Dual Color
3mm Yellow/Yellow Green
RoHS Compliant
White Diffused
Common Cathode Pin Configuration
Absolute Maximum Ratings: (TA = +25C unless otherwise specified)
Power Dissipation, Pd
Yellow .................................................................... 90mW
Yellow−Green 84mW ..............................................................
Continuous Forward Current, IF ....................................................... 25
Peak Forward Current (1/10 Duty Ratio, 0.1ms Pulse Width), IFM ....................... 50mA
Reverse Voltage, VR ................................................................ 5V
LED Junction Temperature, Tj ..................................................... +100C
Operating Temperature Range, Topr ........................................ −25C to +80C
Storage Temperature Range, Tstg ........................................ −40C to +100C
DIP Soldering Temperature (During Soldering, 3mm from body, 5sec max), TL .......... +260C
Electro−Optical Characteristics: (TA = +25C unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
View Angle of Half Power 2 1/2 IF = 20mA − 40 − deg
Forward Voltage
Yellow VF IF = 20mA − 2.10 2.80 V
Yellow−Green − 2.15 2.80 V
Luminous Intensity (Note 1)
Yellow IV IF = 20mA 25 40 − mcd
Yellow−Green 30 50 − mcd
Peak Emission Wavelength
Yellow p IF = 20mA − 589 − nm
Yellow−Green − 570 − nm
Dominate Wave Length (Note 2)
Yellow d(HUE) IF = 20mA − 585 − nm
Yellow−Green − 567 − nm
Note 1. Luminous intensity is measured with an Exeltron 2001, Tolerance = 30%.
Note 2. The dominate wavelength, d, is derived from the CIE Chromaticity Diagram and represents
the color of the device.