10MHz Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Test Condition Min. Max. Unit Frequency range Frequency range available 8.2 32.0 MHz Frequency calibration Frequency at 23 deg. C +/-2 deg. C (see Note 1) 0.3 1.0 +/-ppm Frequency stabilty over temperature Referenced to frequency reading at 25 degrees C. Temp. varied at Max. of 2 degrees. C per minute. 1.0 10.0 +/-ppm Temperature range The operating temperature range over which the frequency stability is measured (Note 3) -40.0 85.0 Degrees C Frequency perturbations Peak to peak amplitude of frequency perturbation within the operating temperature range. Minimum of 1 frequency reading every 2 degree C (Note 1) 0.05 0.50 ppm Frequency slope of perturbations Minimum of 1 frequency reading every 2 degrees C, over the operating temperature range (Note 1) 0.05 0.50 ppm/deg C Static temperature hysteresis Frequency change after reciprocal temperature ramped over the operating range. Frequency measured before and after at 25 deg C. 0.4 +/-ppm Supply voltage stability Supply voltage varied +/-5% at 25 deg C. Frequencies above 25MHz are not able to be specified below the Max. value given. (Note 1) 0.3 +/-ppm Load sensitivity +/-10% load change 0.2 +/-ppm Root Allan Variance 1 second Tau. (Note 1) 0.2 1.0 ppb Long term stability Frequency drift over 1 year (Note 1) 0.4 1.0 +/-ppm G Sensitivity Gamma vector of all three axes from 30Hz to 1500Hz (Note 1) 0.5 1.0 ppb/G Trimmer adjustment Manual adjustment using trimmer tool 3.0 +/-ppm Features • Able to operate over industrial temperature ranges • Low temperature hysteresis • Low power consumption • Excellent vibration performance • Very good phase noise performance - SUPPLY VOLTAGE 2.7V TO 5.0V - OUTPUT IS SINEWAVE